Friday, February 5, 2021

What's next?

Well, I've been miserable at work since my boss told me that we are no longer trying to make things better - only trying to survive each day. Making things better is what I do, my compass point, my north star! Even when I feel stuck, I just change my mind, my point of view, my attitude - I turn it towards something better, truer, more inclusive. My quirky sense of humor obviously helps with this, as do my imagination, creativity and stubbornness.

However, typing all that into Google doesn't give me job openings for which I want to apply. I have started drawing a comic strip for my next resume - that's fun. It has also given me radically different jumping off points for my Google searching. Still no jobs that I want to apply for, but I have been finding some really cool things.

Usability (UX) for Autonomy and Collaboration in Organizational Design, Built Environments, and Created Worlds - this is my current understanding of the Venn diagram for what I am really good at, enjoy doing, and willing to be compensated for. The rest of this post is an annotated bibliography of  idea artifacts found so far.

"bringing creativity to the task of propelling the economy and society forward"